Sep 11, 2011

Joel's Wedding :)

Sept 3rd 2011. It was my brothers wedding..superbly awesome :D Drank and danced the while night through :P So yeah...cant give a long story cause gotta go lout now.. so ciao ;)

Jun 8, 2011

The Night Before

So...last night i had insomnia :( really bad case. Was only able to sleep at 5am :(( then had to wake up at 9am and go for tuition the next day at 12pm till 2 pm. At night... 6.45 pm till 10pm. Haiz...i guess i miss you to musch till i cant sleep :P

Tuition :P

Today there was science and bm tuition. Well in science we learned bout chapter 6..god knows whats going on xD and in bm we learned bout watak dan perwatakan. lol. As you can see... today we form3 students joined class with the form1's and form2's etc. Here's what we learned and a few examples of the students from that class. Enjoy~

Watak utama- watak penting yang menggerakkan cerita (Pn. Shamala, my bm teacher)
Watak sampingan- watak pembantu, peranan yang kecil daripada watak utama (Nadine Naveena)
Watak bandur- terlihat amat berbeza daripada sifat watak lain (Russell)
Watak pipih- mempunyai satu sifat/ fikiran; tidak berkembang (Shaarann)
Watak dinamik- berkembang dan berubah dari segi aksi, emosi dan fikiran (Me and Jeremy)
Watak statik- tiada perubahan; fikirannya tidak berkembang dari mula hingga akhir (Nafiz)
Watak kodi- watak konversional, misalnya nenek kebayan, sedikit sifat tersendiri, terlalu banyak sifat steriotaipnya (Divanaj*random*)
XDD so yeah that was what we learned :DD haha!!

Jun 7, 2011

Another Random Blog :P

Okay so maybe i didn't get to blog for quite sometime :( yeah...cause i didn't get the time. I was too busy with exams, studies, more studies, tuition, piano classes..etc etc. So anyway last 2 weeks was my sister in-law's birthday which was the 23rd of may. So i just called her and wished her later at night i went over to her house to see her blablabla xD. A week later it was my turn to celebrate my birthday lol! So i just in invited some friends over..ermm, like..Wai Yaen, Kaylee, Natasha, Mandee, Frankie, Jeremy and Nadine. Well, Nadine and Jeremy are step siblings :) so yeah. It was awesome we saw a couple of movies :P hehe but before that in the morning..i went to sunway with Wai Yaen..we ate Ninja Joe, we walked in hundred of stores and we saw some other people there :P lol! Well..that was it. Sorry i cant type the full story :( i got to go. Mum will be getting home soon :/ So ciao xoxox :) celebration happened on the 29/May/2011 (a day before my birthday)

May 22, 2011

McD ~ so call group folio crap :P

So last tuesday (WESAK DAY). We went to McD. As usual...almost all the sakai crew members where there except dianne :'( anyway, etc etc. We saw alot of people there. Like..carmen xD, rabbit (code), you-know-who (code), and yee wei. If thats his name :P hehe. So i was able to do my folio bout..5%? :3 and deng shan came at 3pm ==" while we all were there at bout 1. lol!! well..that was all. oh oh!! and carmen was all make-d up haha!!!!! U GO CARMEN!! :DD
btw the day before that was deng shan's birthday. According to him..he got grunk the night i guess we could excuse him :P oh and i hope he liked his birthday present"s" haha!! XDDD

Funfare in Carrefour (:

Hey..sorry long time didn't post up any feeds. Anyway (: if im not mistaken 2 weeks ago on a Saturday..the whole sakai crew decided to go to the funfare(: abit gay haha! but it was really fun. Laughed my ass off :D I was in Kuala Lumpur at first. Then i rushed home..took a bathe and went straight to the funfare (: At first the sakai crew sat on the ferris wheel. HEHE..romantic for mandy and frankie :D but awesomely fun for me, foo may and wai yaen ;)we sang party rock anthem in the carriage xD. There was another carriage beside that carriage, there was a couple with their kid. haha!! we were trying to call the kid. But she kept looking downwards. Then foo may was like retard..and the mother saw :X Then we got hungry xD we ate in KFC and yeah we had issues eating lol! Later we went back to the funfare. We sat on the flying chair. :DD AWESOMENESS!!!! thank god i didn't throw up :P blablabla we went to the bumper cars :D We sat on it twice :)....Adam (fm3) banged into me many times ==" then chris himoru bang into me..hmm..who else??..oh!! natasha, sum random malay guy and a cute kid banged into me xDDD!!
btw..we met damien tan there, erm..fabulous was there (foo may's bro)..and another guy :P oh not forgettin chris. While we were there..we saw many other people from our school too.. like...a group of x-form5's, fat blob was there (code), and many more (: so yeah..that was the awesome day (:
~sakai crew => me, mandy, natasha, foo may, wai yaen, dianne, frankie,
~sakai crew member that didnt come => deng shan
~other than sakai crew members that were there..regina, tarshini(something) xD ant etc. CIAO FOR NOW :D

Apr 12, 2011

Natasha'o' party xD :D

Las Sat (9/4/11) was Natasha's Birthday Party :) it was awesome fawsome!!! :D i went there late though :( but at least i was there right? hehe i came from KL all the way rush back to KK go back..take bathe,pack up guitar n guitar stuff..etc etc. According to them..they had BBQ, cake..hmm owh pizza :)
At last..we smudged cake on Natasha's face xDD im so sorry xDD but it was funny haha. xDDDD

Apr 7, 2011

RandoM ~jerryeah :P

these past few days have been normal yet kindda boring yet kindda awesome xDD anyhu..this sat gg out. finally!!! cn see da hot guy again :DDDD . exam 10 days time. shit la!! X(

Apr 1, 2011

Poem 6 *to my beloved pet that passed away*

I used to be a low life girl
Before they brought me into this world
They were quite proud of me
As if i was gold to be
I grew up here with full of misery
But that all changed as they sent me to elementary
I guess you can say school was cool
Although i still wish i've been sent to the zoo
As years passed, i began growing older
The home i once stayed in was called a shelter
But now i live under a hard square tomb forever
And i knew that they will visit me no longer

Poem 5 :)

I often think of you with pain
Like a sharp razor blade going through my vain
Your life sank into mine deeply
That it matters not if it threatened me hardly
I do remember some happy times and sorrow that filled my life
Causing great misery for me to eventually lie
Although you can say my heart is filled with sorrow and pain
But theres always a slot for you to come in again
When you walked out that door
Tears folled to the floor
While the slam of that door
You made me feel we were together no more
It felt like a knife being stuck into my heart
With a good turn that really tore me apart
Good riddance knows why im still waiting for you
Well i guess love is too strong to be true

Poem 4 :)

You were there one day
Allowing me ot let you say
I'll bethere for you fears, thoughts and tears
Even for the ugliest days that will past your years
When you think there is no one there for you
Just reminder that this heart and arms are open for you
I'll also promise to keep you near my heart
Although we're mile apart
Aand i'll always hold you near
Everytime your here
Lastly, i hope i am to you
What you are to me
For this relationship we have
Is a very speical one to be

Mar 31, 2011

Poem 3 :)

A true friend never walks away
They'll stay, no matter what bad conditions you say
A true friend will guard your secrets
And always turn your frowns into smiles
Although at times they wont succeed
But they'll never let you down and always let you take the lead

Poem 2 :)

Meetin eachother, made us together
Being together, also made love and hatred forever
I wish we were still together, cause i love you more than ever
Not forgetting, hatred for eachother, gave us sadness to ponder
And sadness to ponder, made lonelyness last longer

Poem 1 :)

We were true friends one fine day
That was when you said let me show you the way
Something allowed me to let you take the lead
Which gave me good personalities for people to read
So i kept a place for you in my heart
But i guess you took it for granted and that tore me apart
Seconds, minutes and hours passed
And i felt worse as days past
You could say that i thought there was a place for m in your heart
Unfortunately i was wrong..
Cuz you gave it to someone else and that tore me apart

Mar 30, 2011

Life as it is :P

whazzzup? i m B.O.R.E.D hehe. as usual...haiz..din go koko 2day :( dad din let. :P ltr got juz gona die DX skool was ok la. had another ceramah 2day this time it was science :( ystrday was english DX
ltr me my budds wen 2 3M. then me n natasha was singing da sunsilk shampoo song outside da class corridor xDD funny man!! da students frm 3M were staring at us!! xDD
aft n foo may wen 2 3R to chillax wif amery xDD another epic moment..cuz pn.lim saw us there haha we tried 2 avoid her. she go back door we go front. she go front we go back! hahaha!!
anyhu..same thing hapen 2day xD i wen in2 3T frm back door i din notice dat pn.r***** was there haha. hopefully she din see me aso lol. den came back wen on fb. had sum1 annoying me 2 da max!! D: till i had 2 put my chat box 2 offline :/ well..dats mostly how my day was hehe. abit boring but in an awesome way :)

Mar 27, 2011

Another day :)

Hey..hey..hey buddy..hey :D
today was boring as usual :/ Today had ceramah bout some bm shit. anyhu..i as usual la.. ponteng :D din kena caught but teaher found out xD den the teacher tol my other fren dat din ponteng 2 stay away frm me cuz i mite kena gantung haha. now i feel lyk a legend :D yea yea i noe sum of u thinkin how cud this b awesome?! but i think it iz.. :) especially since i've been 4 yrs back to back blacklisted class xDD ~6 eria, 1 eria, 2eria n 3 eria of course. oh n if 1 of u think dat mayb im the 1 blacklisting the class..well u gt that wrong :) all eria classes r blacklisted itz lyk da nae iz cursed. cux this yr 2 eria..iz allo blacklisted lol.

Mar 25, 2011


Today was a boring day D: was learning mandarin from jialing.. xD total fail weih haha. all da words turned out weird xD wai yaen had tummy ache :( hope she's fine. she laosai n vomitting :( god bless u wai yaen :)

Mar 24, 2011

Earthquake D:

hell nooo!!! D: laos, myanmar n thailand kena earthquake. thailand was worse!! O.O malaysia's gona b screwed. us all :(

Random :P

hey hey hey :) im friggin bored D: skool iz getting worse lol. gettin black-listed by quite a number of teachers xDD but feeling awesome.. hehe. my exam results are an an a-bom-a-nation.'s bday cumin up.hehe not quite sure when it iz..n im not sure if im allowed 2 go ): hopefully my mom allows (: will be bringin electric guitar :D can go jam-ing. chehh. (prasan) haha. hmmmmm.....da theme iz hip-hop :/ god noes wht imma where xDDD oh well..its 2mins to 12am..hehe beta sleep Zzzzz nitez worlds..luv all of ya'h <3 :D

Mar 23, 2011

A lil bit of this and that :)

Wed 23/3
Went to skool. saw lotza x-form5 frens take their spm results evry1 was awesome!! :D they look totally diff :) n there were a few ppl there dat lookd alot lyk my other frens bt frm my skool. hehe. den had koko at 3.30 till 5.30 so as usual la..hehe we were at SMC :D but nt all da time. went smc den go bak skool...ltr go smc agn den skool agn xD but it was stilll awesome. went there wif dianne, natasha, deshven, andrina, angelena, n kesh mira :) awesomeness.. angelena wantd 2 shout fcuk u to the shop. but i duno why :/ hehe
Thur 24/3
2day's hui ching's bday :D da whole class sang 4 her :) hehe idol of smkkk goes 2 3eria haha. b4 dat i was sleepin in class..dosed of twice actually :) but both aso i gt disturbed ==. 1st 1 was muthu bang da table..den nex was jude hit me slightly wif the book frm da back door. == luckily he din hit me on da arm if not..imma seriously kill him..den bout recess time..i, foo may n wai yaen walked pass 3tania. den we saw mandy inside so we wantd 2 say hi la..wen inside we saw a teacher..we tot it was da lesbian teacher xD but it was.. pn.r***** xD epic!! we straight away cabut lari haha.

Mar 22, 2011

To-to-to-to-to-to-today.. hehe :D

A random teacher walks into 3E.. blablabla den at last she asks evry1 to intro themselves :P
so here's wht happened :) (enjoy)

me: wht name u gonna tell teacher?
wai yaen: juz my name la
me: *sad* foo may..wht name u gonna tell teacher?
foo may: bieber :D
me: can i say im foo may?
foo may: *stares*
me: wht? o.o
me: dude wht should i say la??? :(
foo may: lady gaga :D
me: wht?!
teacher: *walks towards me* so whts ur name gurl? :)
me: *blurr* erm...lady gaga
teacher: oh..huh?! *class laughs*
me: lady gaga :D
teacher: show me ur name tag!
me: haha no la my names chelsi
teacher: show me ur name tag!!
me: *shows name tag*
teacher: oh chelsi..chelsi?!
me: huh? no la..britney spears ==
wai yaen: wth.. xD
teacher: *gives me dat look n walks away*
hehe..awesome day today other than da fact that natasha hit my injected arm twice :P

Mar 20, 2011

First day of school after a week of holiday :P

:P it was a boring day 2day :( ntg 2 talk bout aso.. haiz. oh-oh they did talk about natasha's bday party..its on the 9th april. haha so fast another party xD
other than that..i came late 2 skool :) cuz i slept at 12+ las up at 6.30. hehe. when i reached skool..they told me 2 sit at the regular place where ppl gt punished xD i said 2 myself.. ''f*** la. shit this is so nt happening :( '' then i saw foo may :) she was late too :D hooray!! i wasnt alone =.= haha but honestly it was fun sitting there..there dun check socks,nails n tie..n there were no teachers there too. :D while the other student sang the songs n said their ikrar in the assembly..we all were juz standing there talking. haha. it was da best eva!! suddenly pengawas asked all the late comers 2 go 2 all the form3,4,5 (late comers) walked there. the other form3,4,5 stared at all of us xD it felt as if we were walking on red carpet. hehe.i will hav 2 admit although it was humiliating..yet it was still fun :D

Cycling :3

Today was an awesome day :D
Sepatutnya go cycling alone la..den along came previnaa and wafi (and 4 the infinatatic time..they're not in a relationship =.=).
so den as i was coming out frm my hse main gate..i saw them. :) ltr previnaa told wafi to wait near da guardhse.. so previnaa and i cycled further up leavin wafi at da guardhse. xD i guess u can say we ditched wafi. lol.
sooner or neighbour imran came to cycle too. so wafi chilled wif imran la and then previnaa n i were driving around my area..then we saw seth wif his sister xD dam epic. his lil bick haha. so we kept on driving blablabla. den we both lost eachother by taking diff roads xD den as she was searching 4 me..her dad saw her..n asked her to go back to her hse :( so den she called my hp.. n told me wht had happen. so i asked her can we go cycling again ?xD she said ok den i drove to her hse n we continued cycling around haha it was da best time eva :D

Mar 19, 2011

keylee's party then mandee's party:D

hey hey :P

so yeah..kaylee's party was awesome :D hmm..they had bowling (dat i din take part) den shopping la..blabla normal. me n wai yaen wenna buy her wallet. rm40 :P :X
ltr i met up wif a fren..blablabla da most bes part 4 da whole day was when we wenna eat ninja joe~may da pork be wif u xD AWESOMENESS!! haha..
hmm.apa buat aft dat huh? sry short term memory lost..haha oh yeah..we pgi makan ice-cream den balik loh..but it was still awesome!
lyk hell yeah ;D haha
conclusion: had a froliking (howeve u spell it) time wif my budds~kaylee, wai yaen, charmaine, n justin (kawan baru) hehe..u guys were a.w.e.s.o.m.e!!

lemme see..mandee's party...mandee's party. :D awesomeness too!! guys n gurls got high xD but not me :3 imma gud gurl (my ass) so anyhu..yeah. foo may n i played da guitar~we rock! well she does more actually :D hehe
ltr there was tiger :P okok la..carlsberg beta :X hehe. so when we were done wif dat..we went up to mandee's room n did some stuff :P haha (not 'dat' kindda stuff la)
hmm..we were camwhoring..nt dat much pics of me..lyk duh :P den there was this kissing thing..where almos every1 had to kiss every1.on da cheek obviously xD kissed few ppl n i kissed mandee!!! :D (im not less n neither iz she) so yeah..clean dat mind of urs.. lol shes my mum :D so yeah wen home at 11. hehe car-pooled wif fren. dat was my day hehe :3
long story short..had a fun day wit da peps. :) ~mandee, frankie, foo may, natasha, jia ling, nicole, james chin, n many more :P xD hehe u guys were terrific <3

memories :D

gud times

me: dude wana open da wine bottle?
previnaa: ok. :)
me and previnaa: *tries to open bottle*
previnaa: dude da bottle wont
me: hmm *takes butter knife from kitchen*
previnaa: what u gona do?
me: hold da knife n push this way..while i'll pull this da other way
previnaa: ok
me and previnaa: * pulls really hard* *gives 1 hard pull* *bottle cork flies to plates area*
me: *looks at previnaa*
previnaa: *shocked*
haha xD our faces we're honestly priceless lol