Mar 20, 2011

First day of school after a week of holiday :P

:P it was a boring day 2day :( ntg 2 talk bout aso.. haiz. oh-oh they did talk about natasha's bday party..its on the 9th april. haha so fast another party xD
other than that..i came late 2 skool :) cuz i slept at 12+ las up at 6.30. hehe. when i reached skool..they told me 2 sit at the regular place where ppl gt punished xD i said 2 myself.. ''f*** la. shit this is so nt happening :( '' then i saw foo may :) she was late too :D hooray!! i wasnt alone =.= haha but honestly it was fun sitting there..there dun check socks,nails n tie..n there were no teachers there too. :D while the other student sang the songs n said their ikrar in the assembly..we all were juz standing there talking. haha. it was da best eva!! suddenly pengawas asked all the late comers 2 go 2 all the form3,4,5 (late comers) walked there. the other form3,4,5 stared at all of us xD it felt as if we were walking on red carpet. hehe.i will hav 2 admit although it was humiliating..yet it was still fun :D

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