Dec 25, 2009

My Holidayz....

So guys.. hows ur holidays??? mine are quite gud
well.. got sum comments dat sum of my friends one SUCKS reli badly :(
i noe.. sry cnt say out names k gtg bye.. at sum1 's home bye!

Dec 5, 2009

My Christmas Decoration... or so called...

Well... i n my bro's gf were decoratin' the christmas tree... then, she decided 2 decorate me :P

me n my candy cane!! XD... =.='
this is a pic of both sides of the boots..

Last but not least.. this is one side off my boot! =)
(its a secret receipe..)

Nov 29, 2009

Sumone we hate alot!!!

What would you do if u had someone u hate in ur class? not just sumone u hate... but sumone u reli-reli hate!!! i bet u u would have died but me n my friends lived!! oh yeah!!!
N do u know why? its cause were............................................................



THIS IS IT was awesome... its just that they had the malay subtitles there so it kindda disturbed the video.... anywayz... MJ was really awesome!!

i mean... his moves were smoother, his singing pitch was much higher, n well.... practically everthing was about as perfeact :)

like i said a million times... if u were to watch it... u would know how it actually felt...

n MJ never scolded them if they did not understand or did it wrongly... i mean..."yes, sometimes... he did get abit pissed" but u have to understand him.... n ''yes.. in some parts he said that theres no way of cheating him about the music''... i mean.. duh!!!!! hes the KING OF POP! what do u expect? if u were him how would u feel, if ur own dancers could not catch up with u... remember that u are also the legend... also one of the greatest singers n dancers ever!?


do u actually feel what MJ would have felt??? :l

The Ugly Duckling... (humanly version)

hi guys..this is another one of my other posts... but this one is diffrent... this story is about my brother.. Joel.. he keeps saying that he's the ugly duckling in the house,..well, i dont know why?!

so.... thats all... u guys may think this is kindda boring... but i mean.. i'm just telling how awkward he's acting at home... :l

Nov 19, 2009

Maisara's Birthday..


this is Maisara and her best friend... Farahia..(from left to right)

maisara's waiting for all her classmates to come to class because nowzz recess time... (behind her was joel A.K.A chong tze zhern... )i think.. if i got his name right..

this is a pic of her paper plates... XD

this is the 1st cake..... looks tasty!! :P (with n without candles!!)

this is the 1st cake being cut.... yum-yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well.... lastly, this is the second cake that is cut.... (cut n uncut)

oh ya.... by the way... some of the pics are rotated wrongly... so sry cause com was giving prob :(

Sep 24, 2009

Teacher's day in S.M.K.K.K (2009)

Tday is teacher's day....29th May 2009
well, as you can see..... this presentz ware from 1 Helcia.. to their Pn. Haslinawati.

these r my 2 best friends.... Dianne n Amery (from left)....
" they were... um... they were, well i dont know what the hell were they doing, i told them to look at the camera when i snapped the photo... they were nt looking at me =.='' DUM ASSES.. (jk)

Hanusyah, Kaverrna, and Dianne (from left)... i bet u they were all thinking something that time....XP
CHELSI: Ready?! smile everyone.. cheese n crackers!!! :)
HANUSYAH: OMG! i'm becoming popular... its like the paperatzi(or however u spell it) r taking pics of me....
KAVERRNA: ARGH! i'm gg on blog! i'm trying 2 fake a smile....X(
DIANNE: ^.* DUN WORRY... It'll oni take awile

me and Dianne took a pic.... it was behind the girls toilet... :)

here's a pic of me and Amery :)

not forgetting... Amery and Dianne :)

this here is Amery, Pavitra, and Dianne (from left). As you can see... I think Pavitra loves the camera... hehe... " smile 4 the camera, Pavitra".

finally! a pic fo us together!!! YIPPY...although i look kindda weird here...^.^
OH YA... BY THE WAY...SRY TO SOME OF THE TEACHER'S hehe... watch and see...................................................................................................................................................

oh no!!! my hair was screwed!!! anywayzzzz...teacher Syafawati was cute and adorable *as usual* BUT...theacher Ravinder was not looking at the camera.... T.T (sob,cry) WHY TEACHER???!!! WHY?????!!!!!

moving on.........

the above pic here is teacher Diana n teacher.... wait.. wat's her name again???... wait let me think........................................ Oh ya, now i remember... teacher Syazni...

the above is the last pic.... sry.. but battery flat.... :(

My Birthday

This was on the 30th May 2009, my birhtday... i invited Dianne, Si Ying, Li Mei, Nicholas& sis, Gabrielle& 2 sis, Seth, and Shen Quan.

this pic was taken when Dianne had entered my hse n sat on the couch

HAHA...this 1 Li Mei...she was fixing her hair.... " ying found gold in her bag.. u lala... XP"

hehe... the left guy is Shen Quan, followed by Gabrielle, Dianne and Rachel.." and um.... Gabrielle, well, Gabrielle is um kind of having a 'MONKEY' disease" Michelle is Gabrielle's sister.

the guy behind Michelle is Nicholas, he um the...'best MJ dancer n .... etc. the girl holding the ribena cup is his sister......Rachelle n then she....

BOOM!! suddenly she dropped the ribena cup..... =.= ...... the girl on the right is Rachel as well... bt Gabrielle's other sister...

And here's the good part... myyyyy...........................................................

BIRTHDAY cake!!!! XD !!!!!! O.o u dont feel the feeling i'm feeling here right? NVM!! :)